25 Popular Facts That Are Actually False

Water Is Stored in Camels' Humps


Adaptations of Camels: Surviving Harsh Environments Camels possess unique adaptations that enable them to thrive in arid conditions, including fat storage in their humps and specialized red blood cells.

Key Points Fat Storage in Humps: The humps of camels store fat, which can be metabolized for energy during long journeys when food is scarce. This adaptation allows camels to travel great distances without needing constant nourishment. Water Conservation: Camels are remarkably efficient in conserving water. Their bodies can withstand significant dehydration, and they can survive for up to a week without drinking water. Specialized Red Blood Cells: The red blood cells of camels are oval-shaped, which helps them maintain blood flow and oxygen transport even when dehydrated. This adaptation is crucial for their survival in extreme conditions.